What's on for Renmark Paringa Council in 2024/25
22 August 2024

The 2024/25 financial year will entail a combination of completing some of the biggest projects in Renmark Paringa Council’s history, while also ensuring the regular core services, renewals and functions are rolled out to a high standard.
The major projects include the replacement of the Twentyfirst Street Bridge due to the unprecedented flooding event in 2022/23 and the Renmark Riverfront Wharf Upgrade which is a vital piece of infrastructure that required replacing because of the flood, as well as damage sustained by river vessels over a long period.
While necessary to undertake these projects, Council has taken the opportunity to ensure these assets serve the community for many decades to come and add to the value of the Renmark Paringa Council area by incorporating accessibility aspects, enhanced safety measures and in the wharf's case a destination for tourists, boat users, community groups and locals.
Other works to be carried out this year, including road re-seals, boat ramp upgrades, and footpath maintenance works, are all projects outlined in Renmark Paringa Council's Infrastructure Asset Management Plan, Long Term Financial Plan and Annual Business Plan. These asset renewals are planned for and accounted for in Council's long term strategic planning to ensure ratepayer money is put towards necessary upgrades at appropriate times, taking into account the life of various assets, service levels and budget requirements.
The Big Stuff
The Renmark Riverfront Wharf Upgrade
This financial year will see the completion of the Renmark Riverfront Wharf Upgrade, which will transform Renmark’s riverfront into a user-friendly haven for locals, pedestrians, visitors and boat users.
The milestone of the concrete panel installation for the project has now been completed, marking a significant step forward in the project.
With this phase finished, the contractors are continuing with backfilling and pavement preparations. On-site works are forecast to wrap up in November.
While the possibility of staggered access has been considered, the plan remains to fully restrict public access until all work, including turf rollout and footpath construction, is completed.
This approach aims to ensure that contractors can work efficiently without interruptions, allowing for a smooth and complete opening for the community once everything is finalised.
For full details of the project visit here.

The three-metre wide footpaths are starting to take shape along the new Renmark Riverfront Wharf. PHOTO: Grant Schwartzkopff
Twentyfirst Street Bridge Replacement
The Twentyfirst Street Bridge replacement project has reached the 70% design phase, though delays have impacted progress, particularly in obtaining critical river flow design data.
Additionally, the overhead power lines along Twentyfirst Street, managed by SA Power Networks (SAPN), need to be relocated to accommodate the bridge reconstruction and road alignment changes.
Preliminary works are expected to begin mid-September.
SAPN are forecast to be on site late September, working alongside BMD to kick off the construction phase.
Despite the setbacks, the project is still targeting a completion date of mid-2025.
For full details of the project visit here.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Renewal
The renewal of the Renmark Wastewater Treatment Plant will bring significant environmental and economic benefits to the community, enabling the Renmark Paringa Council to maintain its parks and support future population growth.
The upgraded infrastructure will further enhance Council’s wastewater treatment for irrigation using treated effluent.
Contractors Guidera O'Connor have started construction, including draining the bioreactor tank, assisted by Riverland Tank and Drains.
The majority of construction will be completed in 2024 with commissioning in early 2025.
For full details of the project visit here.
Other Significant Projects
Paringa Town Centre Revitalisation
The first stage of the Paringa Town Centre Revitalisation is complete!
The project has seen the transformation of the town centre to turn it into a fenced nature play area, including shelters, barbecues and accessible play equipment.
Surrounding footpaths have been reinstated and new ones introduced to make the area more accessible and pedestrian friendly.
The existing fountain has been turned into a feature piece with gardens beds and seating.
The nearby public toilets will be upgraded in the coming months.
For full details of the project visit here

Renmark Rowing Club Dock
Renmark Paringa Council will project manage the upgrade of the Renmark Rowing Club dock.
Council has collaborated with the Renmark Rowing Club, and the Department of Environment to receive a fully-funded Constraints Program grant.
Renmark Paringa Council owns the asset making it a straightforward decision to be involved in the upgrade.
Council will facilitate the procurement and construction management of the upgrade to result in a 70-metre long pontoon system.
The asset has been designed in conjunction with the Renmark Rowing Club to make sure it’s fit for purpose and support events like the Riverland Rowing Regatta and similar events into the future.
Once this asset upgrade pairs with the significant Renmark Riverfront Wharf Upgrade, our stretch of riverfront will be even greater for the community.
Boat Ramps
This financial year will see the upgrade of the Customs House Boat Ramp, thanks to funding from the Department of Environment and Water.
Renmark Paringa Council will project manage the upgrade, which is currently in the detailed design phase.
The project includes the replacement of the current ramp, plus upgrading the adjoining car park area.
Once the designs are complete a tender will be released to engage a civil contractor to undertake the upgrade.
This year will also see the initial stages of designing a new boat ramp at Bert Dix Park.
The complexities and approvals needed for boat ramp upgrades, including development approvals and native title assessment has led to Council planning its upcoming upgrades over multiple financial years.
This approach allows Council to begin the design and approval process, while investigating funding options to support the builds.
The Bert Dix Park upgrade will likely take place in late 2025, subject to external grant funding.
Both of these boat ramps are listed in Council's Boat Ramp Strategy and Infrastructure Asset Management Plan.
The Customs House Boat Ramp is scheduled for upgrade first due to the opportunity to receive external grant funding for the project.
180 Murray Avenue Open Space Development
The 180 Murray Avenue Open Space Development project has been delayed due to the ongoing Renmark Riverfront Wharf project.
Currently, progress depends on the completion of the wharf construction, specifically the footpaths and pavements, which are needed before the retaining wall can be built.
Once the retaining wall is completed, contractors LCS can mobilise back to the site to complete the final elements, including garden beds, fencing between the site and the Renmark Club car park, and plantings.
It is estimated that this work will take approximately six weeks after the LCS contractors return to the site.
For full project details visit here.