The aim of this project is to create major economic and social benefits to the surrounding businesses and the Paringa Community.

The project will be completed in stages and Council have sought feedback from the community on multiple occasions to inform the final designs.

Feedback identified that the community would like to see the following projects occur in this priority order:

  1. Upgraded public toilets, signage and access (project 8).
  2. A new nature play space (project 9) and Improved BBQ, seating and picnic facilities that are sheltered (project 4) – these 2 projects tied equally in 2nd place.
  3. More signage, including a large gateway sign and historic interpretation signage (project 1).
  4. Safer and better connected footpaths (project 3).
  5. New landscape spaces and more trees, including hedging (project 5).
  6. More lighting including feature lighting (project 6).
  7. A new trail head for cycling and walking (project 2).
  8. Areas for community gathering (project 7).
  9. Art Opportunities (project 10).

Project Plan

Project Plan