Revive Renmark is a continuation of the Urban Design Framework (UDF) with two stages remaining; stage 2 and stage 5.
Stage 2 is an upgrade to Murray Avenue which spans from the corner of Murray Avenue and Renmark Avenue through to Pyap Street. This project will improve signage and access to Murray Avenue from surrounding streets and car parking areas.
Stage 5 includes is an upgrade to the intersection of Renmark Avenue, Ral Ral Avenue and Murray Avenue. This project improves pedestrian safety, walkability, vehicular movement and the general streetscape.
The UDF was commissioned by Council in 2016. It was developed on the basis of a comprehensive community engagement process culminating in the UDF being adopted by Council in June 2017.
The UDF establishes an overarching vision for Renmark’s town centre and nearby areas. It is designed to help facilitate high-quality, innovative and sustainable urban design and to address future challenges while enhancing the community’s quality of life and economic prosperity.
Aside from creating a vibrant place for people to congregate, the UDF will deliver tangible economic and social benefits to the region.