
​Councillors choose way forward for Princess Wharf

30 May 2024

The Princess Wharf on the Renmark riverfront is set to be upgraded as part of the Renmark Riverfront Wharf Upgrade.

Renmark Paringa Elected Members endorsed “the removal of the Princess Wharf Structure and extension of the new wharf treatment” at Council’s May general meeting.

Elected Members also moved that “staff explore opportunities to recognise the history of the Princess Wharf”.

The Elected Members were presented with three options for the replacement of the structure after engineering assessments indicated it needed to be replaced.

The infrastructure services team formulated the recommendation in conjunction with Sealink, the operators of the Murray Princess.

As the primary user of the current Princess Wharf, it was essential to understand the technical requirements for the vessel’s mooring when it visits Renmark, approximately once every 2 years.

The response from Sealink provided valuable information that indicates the current wharf upgrades being undertaken adjacent will be sufficient for future mooring of the Princess Wharf.

The engineering assessment indicated that:

  • The age of the structure was estimated to exceed 50 years with multiple modifications made since the original construction.
  • The concrete slab system is unlikely to be original construction and is expected to have been retrofitted at a more recent time.
  • Two attempts at retaining structures along the river edge are observed; both retrofitted after the original construction.
  • The upper concrete path is also an addition following the second retaining wall attempt.
  • Steel beams extend back into the river bank, into abutments buried under the slope.
  • The steel structure buried below ground is at risk of accelerated deterioration.

The chosen option was recommended to Elected Members by Council’s Infrastructure Team because it “reduces the operating and maintenance required for the 25 metres of rock armouring protection and provides a logical end point for the new wharf construction”.

The works will utilise a portion of the contingency funds allocated at the Special Council Meeting held on 7 May 2024.

The chosen option provides a good asset management outcome, whilst being cost effective and provides an upgraded service level for all river users. This scope of work can be incorporated into the existing work onsite.

The full report can be viewed here.