
Riverland welcomes new waste trucks

25 September 2024

​Renmark Paringa Council Mayor Peter Hunter, District Council of Loxton Waikerie Mayor Trevor Norton and Berri Barmera Council Mayor Ella Winnall pictured with the new fleet of waste trucks.

Renmark Paringa Council Mayor Peter Hunter, District Council of Loxton Waikerie Mayor Trevor Norton and Berri Barmera Council Mayor Ella Winnall pictured with the new fleet of waste trucks.

The three Riverland councils have collaborated to launch a new fleet of waste trucks featuring river-inspired characters to promote environmental and waste education.

The chance came up for Berri Barmera Council, the District Council of Loxton Waikerie and Renmark Paringa Council to re-brand the shared trucks, with the three councils seizing the opportunity to launch the unique designs.

The trucks feature three characters ‘Tommy the Turtle’, ‘Murray the Cod’, and ‘Gabby the Yabby’, each wearing a different-coloured hat to represent the three bins collected throughout the Riverland, and will be used in future education campaigns about waste management.

“This project has seen the introduction of our three characters Gabby, Murray and Tommy, and we hope they really strike a chord with our community and our up-and-coming generations," said Peter Hunter, Renmark Paringa Mayor.

“If the excitement of seeing these fun characters on the trucks helps make a connection with how households are dealing with their rubbish then we think that is a great starting point.”

The trucks are now operational throughout the Riverland, with the aim of the striking vehicles to spark conversations about waste management and excite younger generations to take pride in where they live and encourage waste recovery.

Each truck carries the message of ‘Keep our Riverland clean’.

The Riverland councils’ shared education and waste reduction targets form part of the Murraylands Riverland Local Government Association (MRLGA) Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy 2021-26.

The newly appointed Circular Economy and Waste Lead and Educational Waste Program Lead will work across the MRLGA area to help deliver goals including landfill diversion, increased organics recovery and explore composting opportunities.

The three Riverland councils have streamlined their waste management services through contractors Solo Resource Recovery to deliver cost efficiencies for the region and work towards common environmental goals.