Renmark Paringa Council owns a number of facilities in the Renmark Paringa Council area which are leased to various sporting and community groups.

Council is seeking to understand the needs of current user groups regarding facility use and is seeking information which will assist Council in future planning. Council is interested in knowing more about the following:

  • What club/group do you represent?
  • What facility do you use and is it fit for purpose?
  • Are there new and/or emerging needs of your group/club which Council should be aware of?
  • What else do you want us to know?

By providing information to Council in this way, it allows for a holistic approach to facility use and management going forward. Renmark Paringa Council is committed to ensuring that community needs regarding facilities are known and understood in order to plan effectively into the future.

Council requests that only one survey is completed by each sporting/community group.