The Community Grants Program offers grants of up to $4,000 for eligible community organisations to assist with funding a variety of projects that are of benefit to their organisation as well as the wider Renmark Paringa community.

Any project to receive funding will require the successful applicant to show a commitment by providing a contribution of 50% towards the cost of the project. This may be made up of cash and in-kind or cash only.

Applications may only be made for one of Council’s funding programs (Community Grants or Community Support Funding or Event Sponsorship) per financial year.

Council will call for applications annually.

If there is funding remaining, grant applications will continue to be assessed and allocated until the budget is expended. If necessary, additional calls for applications can be made.

Community organisations will be eligible to apply for funding if they can demonstrate that they meet the following criteria in their application and supporting documentation:

  • Must be an incorporated body or auspiced by an incorporated body. If auspiced by an incorporated body, the auspice body will be required to complete the relevant form agreeing (if the applicant is successful in obtaining funding) to receive the funding, expend the funds as per the funding agreement and ensure the project achieves the stated outcomes;
  • Be a not-for-profit organisation;
  • Be an organisation based within the Renmark Paringa area OR seeking funding for a project whose major emphasis is within the Renmark Paringa area;
  • An organisation whose project does not rely on recurrent funding from the Council for its continuance;
  • An organisation that is able to demonstrate they can meet the financial and project management requirements of the project;
  • Evidence that the project has been considered by the organisations Committee for example a copy of the minutes that include a motion that the Committee has agreed to submit a grant application to Council;
  • Consideration will be given, in limited circumstances, to extend the period of grant funding to two years. Administration will be required to provide a recommendation report to the Grants and Sponsorship Committee seeking approval for any extension. The recommendation will be based upon demonstrated community, social and/ or economic benefits of the project. In these instances, an acquittal must be lodged annually;
  • Applications may only be made for one of Council’s funding programs (Community Grants or Community Support Funding or Event Sponsorship) per financial year.